Monday, November 17, 2008

crescent roll chicken...

Crescent Roll Chicken

4-6 Chicken Breasts, boiled, cooled, chopped
8oz cream cheese, softened
1/4 c milk
4 Tbsp butter
salt and pepper to taste
little bit of garlic salt.

Mix all together, set aside.

2 Crescent roll cans (I use the butter and flaky ones)Roll out dough so 2 triangles form one rectangle, stretch and push seam together. Place a spoon full of the chicken mixture in the middle and bring four corners up around it and twist top to secure. If you want you can add some butter on top . Gravy is one can of cream of chicken or mushroom and I add milk and salt and pepper. Put Crescent roll chicken on top of a plate of rice and cover in gravy!


Anonymous said...

Recipe from Amanda at

Anonymous said...

Forgot to put that in the recipe!! :)